House Rules

Rule 1: Play Nice

We have zero tolerance for racism, discrimination, hate speech, bullying, abuse, or harassment. Any such behavior should be reported immediately, and offenders will be permanently banned.

Rule 2: Adding New Members

Feel free to invite colleagues who would benefit from and contribute to our community. We value equitable participation, where members actively engage in both receiving and offering help. Invitations are subject to approval to maintain relevance and integrity. If there are any concerns regarding invitation requests, please contact the admin team directly.

Rule 3: Sales and Self-Promotion

Our primary focus is on mutual assistance and experience-sharing, not commercial activities. Therefore, sales pitches or self-promotional content are strictly prohibited. Any such content will be removed, and offenders will face potential removal from the group upon repeated violations. Private messaging members with sales or promotional content will result in immediate removal.

Rule 4: Confidentiality and Privacy

Respecting privacy is paramount. Sharing or referencing private conversations, whether in public channels or DMs, outside this community is strictly forbidden. Violation of this rule will lead to immediate removal from the group.

Rule 5: Neutral Ground

To maintain a professional and focused environment, discussions related to politics or religion are discouraged. Our primary goal is to foster a community centered on automation and professional development.